Titan is a restaurant search and recommendation engine. It is a dynamic web page for users to search restaurant based ono location and update preference. This Java web service development improved personalized restaurant recommendation based on search history and favorite records. You can find source code on my Github.
RecipeBook is a modern, complex, responsive and scalable web application with Angular 4 for users to manage and view recipe book in detail and push ingredients from a recipe to shopping list. I am very into cooking and like to find all kinds of great recipes from different places. It is always a problem organizing them. So I developed this single page web application to help me manage the recipes I found. And at the same time, I was able to get familiar with AngularJS :)
Bike sharing system is cost-efficient and environment-friendly with incredibly convenience for the riders. One appealing feature is that it allows people to borrow a bike from one station and return it at another station. However, it could cause some rebalancing problems for the system.
To assist the rebalancing issue, we developed an interactive analysis visualization website - VisBike@Pittsburgh - for users to explore Pittsburgh bike riding patterns. By using diverse visual encodings, the system provides a convenient, intuitive, quick and accurate way for user to access massive disordered data
Pharmacogenomics Project Tracker is a dynamic web application for users to log in and manage the data involving their own programs. It leverages an easy to use Google maps interface that is highly interactive – allowing users to identify and learn critical information about leading pharmacogenomics programs through filtering presentations schemes. Programs leaders on the website can log in and manage the data involving their own programs to allow the tool to be self-sustaining.
ShopMe! is a full stack dynamic e-commerce website for users to register, login and shop online. The application allows users to register and shop stylish products.
FriendMe! is an online social networking website I built after I learned Java Servlet technology. The application allows user to register and login to FriendMe community and make friends through browsing other users' homepages and leaving messages to each other. You can find source code on my Github.
With the improved quality of life, the way people live changes as well as their consuming attitudes. Under this circumstance, I developed a hotel management system to help small hotel business better fit into the high-tech community. The system invloving three types of users (Administrator, Manager and Receptionist) with different levels of privileges. And the system contains three major modules:
Crystalize is the first basic, functioning Android app I have ever built. It is a simple but useful quiz app which can be used for preparing for finals or learning facts:) In this particular app, I have prepared 5 nerdy questions to test user's nerdy level. You can also change the source code to customize the app in order to fit your need.